Home > House Foundation Costs, Types, and Problems
House Foundation Costs, Types, and Problems

If you are looking to find out about house foundations you may want to learn about types, problems, and costs of foundations.

Types of Foundations

There are three basic types of house foundations. The kind of foundation you need often depends on where your house is (or will be) built:

One is a basement foundation where the walls of the basement serve as the foundation. Most homes on in the northern part of the country have basements; however it is more popular in the east. If you have a basement your foundation will be underground. Foundation walls are typically constructed using bricks, concrete blocks, or poured concrete. Basements provide room for storage or additional rooms. However, having a basement foundation (which is below ground) can result in problems such as flooding or water seepage.

Another kind of house foundation is a crawl space. Generally the homes in the middle of the country have crawl spaces. They are built about two feet above ground and are normally chosen because of shallower frost lines. Crawl spaces have some advantages. First, your house is up off the ground which can help with issues related to nature such as flooding, wet soil, or termites. Second, building a crawl space is much cheaper than building a basemend. Third, crawl spaces provide room for ductwork, piping, and wiring.

The last type of house foundation is a slab on grade. Slab foundations are normally built in the south, because soil conditions can prevent basements from being put in a home. For a slab foundation, concrete is poured directly on the ground where the foundation is needed. Slab on grade foundation are practical because they are easy to build, can be built quickly, and are an inexpensive solution. With a slab on grade foundation, you will not have a basement to worry about when it comes to flooding. However, you do need to be careful about how the yard around your home is graded to insure that water flows away from the house.

Identifying Foundation Problems

There are many ways to spot problems with your foundation both inside and outside of your home:

If you are concerned your house may have foundation problems, look for warning signs.

Exterior warning signs include include: doors not opening and closing properly, diagonal cracks by windows, gaps between your garage door and the pavement underneath it, and cracks in bricks and mortar.

Interior warning signs include: gaps appearing between walls and ceilings or floors, floors being uneven or sloping, corners of walls cracking, and cabinets not are staying shut.

Foundation Costs

Costs for house foundations vary quite a bit. It is based off of what type of foundation you need, the size of the foundation needed, and where you live. To find out how much your house foundation will cost click on the get quote button and give a description of your home project.

The cost of building a new home foundation varies quite a bit. In order to get a cost that is specific to your foundation project, get a cost estimate from a local foundation contractor. To get a quote, click on the “get quotes” button and provide specific information about your project.
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