Slabjacking Methods and Cost
Slabjacking is a method of repairing concrete foundations when the slab is sinking. To do this, you pump a mixture of sand, cement, fly ash and other additives underneath the slab, which forces the slab back to its original position.
There are three steps to this method:
First, a hole must be drilled into the area where the slab has sunk. The size of the hole depends upon the size of the problem. Larger slabs should have holes place in triangular shapes around the slab. The thicker the slab, the farther away the holes should be placed from each other.
Second, using a special tool, the mixture is pumped under the slab to build pressure. This pressure forces the slab back into place. When starting to pump the mixture under the slab you should begin pumping at the lowest point of the slab. The worse the problem, the thicker the mixture should be. If support holes are needed, a thinner mixture should be used.
Third, remove and clean-up any excess mixture that has leaked out from under the slab or out of the pumping hole. Once the excess mixture is removed the hole needs to be sealed with a concrete mixture. This completes the process of slabjacking.
This method has a lot of advantages. It can be done in most weather conditions and there is not a huge mess to clean up because you are not removing the slab from the ground you are just repositioning it. Also, you do not have to put in a new slab so there will not be a discolored slab compared to the others. Since the slab is not being replace you do not have to wait for an extended period to use that area, it is able to be used immediately. Finally, slabjacking is generally lower priced than a replacement. It is about one-third of the price of replacing a slab.
The cost of slabjacking varies quite a bit. In order to get a cost that is specific to your project, get a cost estimate from a local slabjacking contractor. To get a quote, click on the “get quotes” button and provide specific information about your project.
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